~~: Zihang :~~


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No New Posts Everything You Need To Know

The information you need to read before Role Playing here.

Moderator: Fuzen

5 5 Production And Development.
by Fuzen
Apr 13, 2006 19:00:22 GMT -5
No New Posts OOCC (Out Of Character Chat)

You can talk about whatever you like here.

Sub-boards: ~ Administrators Personal Space. ~, Introductions., Rant.

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No New Posts Guest Chat

This board allows guests to post on it. It is the only one.

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No New Posts Notice Board

Everything new, or just what eveyone needs to know should be posted here.

2 3 Guess what kids?..
by Fuzen
Apr 11, 2006 7:26:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertising Space

Got a forum? Part of one? Advertise it. Put it in here. If you have a little logo for it, post a link to the image too. Make sure to give a definition of the forum you are adversing. Be specific.

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No New Posts Staff

Administrators and Moderators and Administrators are the only one's with access to this board. This is where changes shall be decided and debated.

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No New Posts Plot Planning

This is where you can set out idea's for storylines. Expect feedback both good and bad, if the vote is yes however then feel free to use it.

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No New Posts Suggestions

This is where anyone, literally, can suggest something new for the board. Provided it gets the okay from an administrator or one of the global moderators, it will be added.

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No New Posts Artwork

A place to put all of the works of art or projects you wish to show other members of the forum.

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No New Posts Poetry and Literature

As this board suggests, this is where all you zany crackpots can post your poems and little stories. Everyone has them, so post them. Seriously. Post. Go on. Post. Do it.

Sub-boards: Stories, Poetry

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About your Characters

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No New Posts Profiles

Post a detailed description of your character inside.

Sub-boards: ~ The Profile Guide. ~, ~ Accepted Profiles. ~

2 2 ~~ Key Rules. ~~
by Fuzen
Dec 30, 2005 20:26:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Chronicles

This is where past adventures or new ones, thoughts, feelings will be recorded of characters.

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No New Posts History Of Zihang

The true history of Zihang, it contains information of the events of the opening of the Chaos Portal, the First great war, Second and Third, and gives accurate details of species history.

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No New Posts Official Breeds And Races

Here is listed all the recognised species of demon, human and other alike, feel free to use either these or more importantly make your own. However should you make your own race, it will need to be filed here so that others may recognise its characteristics.

Sub-boards: Demonicadium, Angelicanium, Humans, Plants, Others, Arcaneians, Beastians, Quertziens

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No New Posts Books Of The Trade

For every chosen race or profession, there are always books of instructions, rules and ways of increasing power. Here they are listed. To gain access to the book, you have to make a request to the administrator. The administrator will issue you with the password for the book that corresponds with your chosen race or skill.

Sub-boards: Book of the Etheral Sealer, Book of the Shaman, Book of the Elven Paladin, Book of the Dragoon Lancer, Book of the Arch Sage, Book of the Shadow Knights, Book of the Time Guardian

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The Inner World

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No New Posts Kaosu Shrine

This was the first building ever placed on the island. No one is sure how or when it was built. It resembles a squat gothic cathedral, and strangely, is worshipped much like an alter by its inhabitants, crowded to the brim with human and demon skulls alike.

Moderator: Fuzen

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No New Posts Seijin Path

A wooden path made to run from the island out across the water like a pier, it fell into disrepair now a rotting fragile walkway. Now it just stretches out from the island into open sky.

Sub-board: Baen Docks

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No New Posts The Great Takusan Market

The market where dreams are made, bottled and then sold for extortionate prices. It stretches across the ruins of one of the destroyed citys of Zihang. Thousands of races, creatures and such each run seperate little markets, the perfect place to get your every day goods be you poor or rich if you can't get to the stores on time. There is a small housing disctrict where the gypsie like shop attendants live. Rumours are that shops and buildings are once more under process.

Sub-boards: Buki Lane, Shokuryou Road, Emon Street, Iri-garu Passage, The Lesser Zappou Market, The Legendary Sureibu Market

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No New Posts Kurogane Tower

The first structure made of Iron, it would once have looked very grand, but now it is an empty and broken relic, many sharp points jutting into the sky, rusted red. The strange noises and creaks eminating from it however indicate that something is still working, and at night, it still has working electric lights.

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The Plate

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No New Posts The Housing Ryouiki

A district the size of a very large city, completely, totally and utterly devoted to housing those who have no city to fit into. Be you tall, feathered, or oozing with putrid slime, for the right and reasonable price accomodation can be found. A very good place for an oddling to make a home.

Sub-boards: The Naisu Capital, The Yutaka Appartments, Gypsy Eisho, The Toboshii District

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No New Posts The Merutodaun District

When the plate was damaged in the last minor war, many houses in one area were reduced to molten metal, leaving an entire district of molten glass and metal sealing the graves of hundreds of thousands. Scavengers often come here hoping to find something vaulable amongst the ruins. Because of the wound to the sky, it often rains here.

Sub-boards: Bridge Of Faith, The Merutodaun Shrine

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The Jindai Mountains

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No New Posts Lunartic Harmonium

Lunartic Harmonium is a city that like Nobourn Island floats. It floats only a little off of the ground, but is held in place by stone arch and stairways built solely for the purpose of holding it in place. It is a very strange city in that, the land would not float except for the fact in the hole shaped center of the island is a massive glowing and pulsating sphere of light. This sphere is a Harmonium sphere, and as such constantly plays soothing and etheral music.

Sub-board: Harmonium Sphere Path

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No New Posts The Yuki Resort

Once it was the birthplace of the fire daemon Magnus, now after his death it has long since been encrusted with snow for three thousand years. At least five foot deep in the shallower places, the snow has piled to massive proportions. Many crafty buisness men took that as an opertunity and as such have set up a little community on the mountain ridge, with a ski-resort and massive shopping arcade. Built like a mini-Tokyo its open all hours.

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The Pure Lands

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No New Posts Ancient Raiburari

Made of crumbling white stone, this building was placed on the edge of Zihang's main city branching to the outside world. There are countless billions of books, some too old to translate here. There are also a great variety of creatures that take refuge within these walls, and they are welcomed with open arms. It is a place of joy and as such because of a light spell placed over it, enjoys the shield of eternal sunshine, the plants thriving as are the animals.

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No New Posts The Palace Of Suimin Eternal

This is the final resting place for the eternal race of the Renthall. Their king turned to crystal as the life drained from his body, and the entire race in their grief, wept, their bodys losing life, and too turning to the great crystal statues. They however are not dead, they await the day their king awakens, and they shall for eternity. The doors to the main courtroom, where the statues reside is bound by a seal that none may pass through, but the cold dark stone and empty halls and gantries give a mournfull tone to a great monument.

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No New Posts Kyoki Glade

Filled with the famous purple and blue petalled Willow tree's it attracts many visitors. There are no shops here, none of the city attractions, just a well-worn dirt path and miles of beautiful forest. Said to be protected by something or other and as such no creatures that inhabit it are likely to harn a wanderer unless severely provoked. This glade stretches for many, many miles with its lush hanging leaves and its matted forest floor.

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No New Posts Jangol and Quertz Emporium of Magic and Mayhem 1302

Officially named Jangol and Quertz Emporium of Magic and Mayhem 1302, it is famous for something that no other place on Zihang has ever dared to do. Breed monsters. Originally founded by two friends, a Mr Jangol and a Mr Quertz, this emporium is the only legal breeding and experimentation ground for monsters. Closed just after the coliseum was banned, ever since it restarted, the farm has mysteriously opened once again...

Sub-board: The Eggpickleorama!

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Eternal Night Forest

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No New Posts Burakku Forest

Filled with the deadly Bargnarsh tree's, this wood is by far one of the most dangerous. It is home to all manner of strange creatures, most of which are thought to be lost in myth, each more deadly than the first. The forest itself is said to be home to the illusive Sauul race, the snake warriors. No light has ever penetrated this area, a fact worth noting.

Sub-boards: The Forest Clearing, Saulamandra

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No New Posts Ishi Forest

The wood of petrified tree's. Hidden deep within the dark and lush tree's this wood has been drained of all life, all that live here are the Vairun, waiting for those who would wander.

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The Wastelands

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The Ruined Lands

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No New Posts Sunken Odine

A great city, its name lost to time, crushed by the body of Odine, the grand dragon. The city itself has caved in at some points, sinking beneath the rock and into the watery caves and depths beneath. That is the weight of the dragon Odine. Odine's skeleton is a bleached white, and that and a few collosal charred black buildings are all that can be seen here. It is notoriously hard to find.

Sub-boards: Oath Of Fire, The Tower Complex

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Rothiarg City

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Harbor and Fishing District

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No New Posts Grand Minato

The biggest and most reputable sky, sea and earth harbour of Zihang. It is a city in itself with the population of just under one million. Set right to the edge of the Naerwater coast, the water itself is not putrid but pure, the sands white. It is frequented by ships of all kinds.

Sub-boards: The Booking Pole, The Lock Docks, Port Regalia, The Golden Goose

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No New Posts Lesser Minato

A smaller, but at the same time seedier port. Its well known to trade in many things such as slaves and ill-gotten goods. Set further along the Naerwater coast, the water here seems to have turned a nasty and vivid brown, the sands a slushy brown, covered in crawling sea parasites.

Sub-boards: The Seedweasle, The Skuttle Scuppers, Port Hedonist, The Scabby Duck

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The Green Ocean

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The Outer World

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No New Posts Nobourn Island

Known as the great floating island, Nobourn Island took flight from Zihang at the same moment that the same moment the Fudou Crystals began appearing in clusters, growing from mineral deposits buried deep within the soil. Naturally boyant they lifted the island from the ground, at first slowly, until it had to be anchored by a huge chain, the Shingari Chain. It's a very popular visitation island, and Fudou crystal is harvested by many of the kingdoms for skyships.

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The Forbidden Lands

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No New Posts Asmodeus

The living city. On Earth it is often told of Asmodeus being a higher demon of hell, when in fact Asmodeus is a city so awfully twisted and malformed that the very walls pulse with life. It is neither good nor evil, and as such no man woman or child has ever passed through it alive.

Sub-boards: Cerberus, Medusa, Leviathan

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The Complex Kyassuru

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The Ancient Colosseum

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No New Posts The Arena of Ice and Snow

The most ancient of all of the arena's. Spanning about ten miles in circle, it has its own little town, a thriving population that resides within the arena itself. Although it is just the first level of the pagoda like colluseum, ancient magics have made the high ceiling replicate the sky itself.

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No New Posts The Arena of Fire and Flame

Sitting above the Arena of Ice and Snow, it's ancient stone remains bathed in etheral flames, untouched by the blizzards beneath, molten rock spewing forth from vents hewn all around the second level of the arena. It too being large enough to support a village, it could never be so, the heat sorching all human life from it's outer entrenches. It is rumoured to be the roosting place of the Midnight Pheonix, the darkling flames.

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No New Posts The Arena of Earth and Stone

Built above the arena of Fire and Flame in the third level of this lost pagoda of a colosus, the Arena of Earth and Stone was hewn aboveground to counter the voracious flames of the magma pit beneath, the long winding stairs trailing upward from the base to the higher levels. An indoor garden wrapped around pillars of marble lurks within, a vast lush undergrowth of jungle awaiting the approaching warriors, creatures within hiding in he artificial forests.

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